Sleeping Beauty Smoosh Mani

Hello my lovely readers, I hope you have all had a great week. I am counting down the days for my mum to get home from America with my brand new bottle babies. Fingers crossed they all arrive safe, I will post haul pics on my Instagram so keep an eye out for those. Today's post is another smoosh mani, this time I used my Princess Nail Lacquer Sleeping Beauty trio.

I knew when I purchased these polishes I would have to do a Sleeping Beauty themed mani, it is one of my all time favorite Disney movies. I relate very strongly to Aurora especially the sleeping for a long time aspect. With my chronic illnesses fatigue is a huge part of it and I honestly think if my body didn't need water and food it would just sleep forever. 

To create this look I first put two coats of Merryweather onto all of my nails, I wanted to put the lightest colour in the smoosh down first so it would show with the other two more bold colours. No matter how hard I tried poor Merryweather just could not win againt her two older sisters. It was like the scene where the fairies argued over what colour Aurora's dress should be, make it pink! No Green! No Blue!

To get this smooshed affect I added a few drops of Flora, Fauna and Merryweather to my giant born pretty stamper. I then lightly twisted these on my Uber Chic mat to blend them together, I then added the smooshed colours to my nails. I did this about 3 times until I was happy with the the finished effect, I used my top coat to seal the design in. 

To bring this Sleeping Beauty manicure to life I used Uber Chic Fairytale plate and Uber Chic collection 9 plate 3 for the word 'dream'. To create the shadow effect I first stamped the images in mundo de unas black and then with my clear jelly stamper I lined the image up so it was just overlapping with the white

I am really happy with the finished look it was just how I had imagined it in my head, that doesn't happen very often. What do you think of this look? I would love to know what your favorite Disney movie is maybe I can try and do a manicure for that next time. 

As always have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon. 


  1. This is amazing! One of my favourite designs of yours :) x

  2. Smoosh manis are some of my favourites!

    1. I love the effect and how easy they are :) x

  3. Wow I love the base and the stamping is lovely! Xx

  4. you should be like the cool kids and call it a "seriotype"!

    But regardless of name, it is glorious.

    1. LOL I like smoosh it sounds cuter haha thank you hun :) x

  5. This mani is absolutely adorable!!! Amazing!!!

  6. Beautiful! Loved the shadow look.

    1. Thank you, I will definitely be using this more in the future :) x

  7. So pretty! I still need to do a "smoosh" mani!!

    1. You should try it hun it's so easy and the finished effect is lovely :) x

  8. I adore the smooshed effect, and your stamping is just perfect!

  9. This is very cute. I loved the shadow effect

  10. Oh my goodness, how adorably cute! I agree with the other commenters, that shadow effect is awesome! I need to try it!

  11. I love this, and I love the black and white contrast stamping!

  12. This is sooo good! Love it xx


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