The Digit-al Dozen Does Mythical Creatures: Day 4

Welcome back my lovelies, I hope you have been enjoying this weeks Mythical Creatures mani's. I have really loved creating them, and I am loving being a part of The Digit-al Dozen. Read on to see which creature I have chosen for day 4...

I just had to add in a dragon for this week, they are such fascinating creatures. But I am not going to lie, I am a little pleased that they are not flying around our skies today. 

For the base polish I used a polish from Mountain untried, this beauty is Emily De Molly Monets Garden. A gorgeous green jelly with multi coloured glitters. 

Then for the stamping I used images from Uber Chic Beauty Fairytale 02, I felt the dragon scales were best stamped in gold. Then I stamped a black silhouette of a dragon onto my ring nail as an accent.

As always the rest of the amazing ladies mani's are linked down below, make sure you head over to their blogs and give them some love. 

I hope you are enjoying this week as much as I am, and I will see you back here tomorrow for the final mani.


  1. Perfect base polish for this mani, and I love the more pointed scales for dragons!


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