Born Pretty Store Chameleon Polish- Swatch & Review

*Press Sample*

Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you have all had a nice relaxing weekend. Not much to report my end really, my dog Biscuit recently had an emergency trip to the vet as he has an infected claw. So now he is going around with a cone on his head, or as Lexi likes to call it a bubble. For today's post, I would like to share with you some of the most recent goodies sent to me by Born Pretty Store. In my most recent package I received one of their Chameleon polishes #27745, so let's have a closer look.

This is a beautiful duo chrome effect polish, it goes from a blue with a green tint to a purple colour. You do need to layer this polish over a black base to get that duo chrome effect to really come through. For my base polish, I used Pretty Serious Absence which is my go to black as it is fully opaque in one coat.

It only takes one coat over the black to get the duo chrome to do its job. The lid of the bottle does not come off so it is a bit awkward when you're applying the polish, at least it was for me. The bluey green shift is the first colour I saw when I applied it to the nail. 

I only had to move my fingers slightly to see the polish shift into its purple state. This is one of the most effective chameleon polishes I have tried so far. To be honest, I haven't tried loads, but I was super impressed with how quick the colour change seems to happen.

This polish is available on the Born Pretty Store website for £5.61, which I feel is a huge bargain. The bottle holds 10ml, like I said the lid does not remove so it can be slightly tricky to apply. The brush itself is quite wide so depending on your nail length and width you may be able to apply the polish in one swipe. 

I will leave the link to this chameleon polish down below, along with their social media. You can use my 10% discount KHDB10 on all fully priced items on the store. It is free shipping worldwide, I normally get my package within 3 weeks. It can sometimes take a bit longer, so that is definitely something to be aware of if you are wanting to order any seasonal items. 

As always have a fantastic nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon.


  1. this is so pretty. I had no idea BPS had this stuff!

  2. Ooh, this one is pretty! I've tried the pink-gold one and I love it :)

    1. Oo I might have to give that one a go in the future :) x

  3. That is one gorgeous purple shifter.

  4. This looks amazing, you've shown the shift perfectly! x

  5. Blue and purple are my favourite shades - great that you can wear them in one polish!

  6. Beautiful polish and swatch. I love the shift in this polish.

  7. Very pretty! I've not tried their chameleon polishes, but that needs to change!

    1. I would highly reccomend them, I'm tempted to get some more :) x

  8. I haven't tried any of BPS' polishes, but this is so gorgeous!!

    1. It is a really easy polish to work with and the shift works so well x

  9. Those square lids can be a bit tricky! Do you know if this is 3-free, 4-free or 5-free?

  10. Oh wow, this is absolutely gorgeous, I need to try them out!

  11. Oooh that's pretty! I can't resist a good color shifting polish!

  12. First off, I hope Biscuit is doing well! Give him a hug from me :) And my such gorgeous shots, girl! You captured the shiftiness perfecty <3

    1. Thank you he is much better, back to his usual barking mad self :) thanks hun, the shift was so strong I found it alot easier to get on camera x

  13. This polish looks so pretty, I love these type of duo/multichrome polishes and this shift is gorgeous!
    Vicky xx

    1. Thanks hun me too, especially when the shift is so effective like this one xx

  14. Wow the duochrome effect is super visible - great job capturing it in your photos!

  15. I am eyeing this polish. It looks great quite strong shift.

  16. I am eyeing this polish. It looks great quite strong shift.

  17. Gorgeous shade and love the color shift! Great swatches!

  18. Such a gorgeous shade... WOW... Love it <3

  19. Both of these polishes are absolutely stunning! <3


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