November Nail Art Round-up

Hello, my lovely readers, we are now at the end of yet another month this year is going way too fast for my liking. Through November I have been posting extra nail art looks to Instagram and Facebook, so I wanted to do a quick round-up post here. I am going to try and make this a monthly thing, so that if you don't follow me on my social media platforms you can still see the nail art I have been posting. So let's jump in!

In November I managed to create 9 different nail art looks, some of these you may have seen pop up on the blog. The rest I have been posting to Instagram and my Facebook page. I will link each mani to either the Instagram post where you can find out what products were used. Or the blog post telling you how I created that look.

So there we have it all of the nail art looks I managed to get done this month, I have a few favourites but I would love to know which one is yours? Also please let me know if you like the idea of a round-up post for each month. I am loving being able to produce even more nail art and share it with you lovely people. As I said all of these are posted to Instagram and Facebook. so if you wanted a sneak peek of the mani's before the end of the month make sure to give me a follow.

As always have an amazing nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon.


  1. These are all totally cute nail looks! I think the sweater print is my absolute favorite here.

    1. Thank you Tina <3 I really love that pattern that plate in paticular is one of my faves for Christmas x

  2. Absolutely gorgeous nail art!! I love them all - the Christmas scene is particularly my favorite! <3

    1. Thank you huni, I was really happy with how that one turned out :) x

  3. Those are all amazing! I like the Fall leaves most of all (yeah it's my favorite season).

    1. Thank you Jennifer <3 I do love that one I was really pleased with how the stamping polishes blended and the lina plate was so easy to use picked up first time x

  4. You are so talented! I love all of these designs :)

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you hun, that's one of my favourites too <3

  6. So much great art this month!! I love the snowflakes!

  7. the blue sweater nails are so awesome.

  8. Loving all of them! I wish I could do nail art!

    1. Thank you <3 I'm still learning lol my free hand is terrible 😂 xx

  9. I am loving all of them but the mustache steals my heart! So cute!

  10. Those are beautiful! I wish I had your level of nail art inspiration!

    1. Thank you so much hun, I get ideas at the weirdest times lol mostly when I can't sleep at night <3

  11. These are all so beautiful! I think the fireworks might be my favorite, but the snowflakes are a very close second!

  12. Very pretty & a nice selection of nail art.
    Vicky xx

  13. I live all of these but therapy day mani is y favorite!

  14. I love your new insta posting & round up posts! x

  15. Everything is awesome. So creative!

  16. Love all of these... such a fun round up of holiday nails - love it.

    1. Thank you hun, I really enjoyed doing the round up definitely think I will make it a monthly thing :D x

  17. They are all absolutely gorgeous! I would have to say that the fireworks and rainy day are my favorite!

    1. Thank you <3 the rainy day does hold a special place in my heart :) x


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