2017 Nail Resolutions

Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you all have been having a nice relaxing festive break. As we now approach the end of yet another year I wanted to take a look back at the nail resolutions I set at the beginning of 2016 and set some new ones for 2017. So let's try and keep this short and sweet and jump straight in!

These are my resolutions for the coming year.

1.Continue improving blog appearance and quality- I am really pleased with my progression this year, so I want to try and keep blog quality and appearance a focal point to 2017. 

2.Start making Instagram video tutorials- I also want to start making Instagram video tutorials, I have been wanting to do this for quite some time. If you have any tips or tricks for they would be much appreciated. 

3. Do a watermarble manicure- this is a resolution carried over from 2016, I did attempt to do this a few weeks ago but it did not go at all to plan. Hopefully I can be successful in the new year.

4. Feature more UK indie brands- Another resolution for 2017 is to focus on and feature more UK indie brands, I always love to support those that are close to home.  

5. Complete the 26 Great Nail Art Idea's challenge- this is a year long nail art challenge I am in the process of taking part in. I want to try and complete all of the prompt's for this challenge, on time and to the best of my ability. 

6. Swatch more of my untried polishes- It will probably be no surprise to most of you that my untried pile is much bigger than my swatched one. I hope to try and swatch as many of my untried's as I possibly can next year. 

7. Hit 2500 Instagram followers- By the end of 2017 I hope to have 2500 Instagram followers, I have begun posting a lot more to my Instagram and I hope to continue doing this. I am planning to hold my first giveaway when I hit 2000.

I set myself 6 resolutions for 2016 and I managed to complete 5 out of the 6, I am really happy with the improvements I have made throughout this year. I thoroughly enjoy everything to do with my blog and I am loving trying out new methods and styles of nail art. Hopefully 2017 brings new challenges and many more bottle babies make their way into the family. 

I would love to know what your resolutions are? As always have a fabulous nail day and a hear is to a happy and safe New Year to all, chat to you again soon.


  1. Good luck with all your aims for 2017!

  2. Good luck sticking to your resolutions!!

  3. I love this! I need to think about mine. I would love to see and have more exposure on blogs to UK indies. For me (American), UK indies are exotic! :)

    1. Thank you <3 I will definitely be trying to feature them more :) x

  4. Those are some worthy goals and I'm sure that you will achieve them. :) Happy New Year!

  5. Wishing you all the luck in the coming year! <3

  6. Wishing you lots of luck to sticking to your nail resolutions. I definitely need to set some goals for myself as well.

    1. Thank you <3 it's a really great way to try and stay on track x

  7. I love your goals! Mine tend to be more general- like WORK HARDER, lol.

  8. Great goals for yourself. I'd like to grow my IG more.

    1. Thank you <3 that's probably one of my main ones too x

  9. Those are some great resolutions to set for yourself. Good luck! <3

  10. Good luck! These definitely seem like attainable resolutions!

  11. Good luck!!!! I should set some blog goals too!!! Great idea!!!

    1. Thank you <3 let me know what you choose hun x

  12. Good luck with your 2017 goals! It's always great to have some in mind

  13. that's great. even I hv resolved to do 365 days nailart challenge. Good luck dear

  14. This is fabulous - goal setting is so important! I can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for you! :)

  15. Good luck with your 2017 goals!

  16. I'm so exited for 2017 and what we will achieve with our blogs! :) x

    1. Me too hun can't wait to see what this year brings xx

  17. Never thought about nail resolution! Good luck 🙂

  18. Good luck hun I'm sure you'll smash them all...you've done the marble already hehe. X


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