Uber Chic Halloween 03- Swatch & Review

Happy Friday everyone, another week come and gone which means it's getting more and more closer to October. Which as we all know in the nail art world is our time to bust out all those awesome Halloween mani's. So for today's post I have a review for the most recent release from Uber Chic Beauty, hope you enjoy. 

Uber Chic have a total of 3 Halloween plates to choose from and each one is as good as the last. I have four different mani's to show you using Halloween 03.

For the first mani I used a base of Danglefoot Nail Polish Carved My Name Into My Leather seats, a beautiful deep red holographic opaque in 2 coats. I then stamped these extremely adorable ghosts from the plate, they paired perfectly with the 'FaBOOlous Halloween' quote. 

For my second look I used Esmaltes Da Kelly Batman (full swatches here) and the negative image of the bats went really well with this one. The 'Gone Batty' quote is from Halloween 02.

When I was doing the third mani I decided to use another one of my Danglefoot Nail Polish untrieds, this is Ain't worth the whiskey a blue to purple duo chrome holographic. Another 2 coater, and beautiful polish for Autumn with a really nice formula. The images I chose from the plate are the two different spider webs and the creepy looking Spider. I double stamped with Esmaltes Da Kelly Dolly and Andromeda to get the glistening spider web look. 

The last base polish I used was from some of my most recent hauls from destash's, this is Cirque Garnet. A dark red base with holographic flecks, a gorgeous 2 coater polish that applies like butter. For the last look I stamped the skull and cross bones with the 'Happy Halloween' image at the top of the plate. 

As you can see there are plenty of images to choose from, each one perfect for the Halloween season. The plate measures 14.5cm by 9.5cm, and the images are 2.1cm by 1.7cm so they are good for both short and long nails. All of the images stamped beautifully and were nice and crisp when applied to the nail. As we are not even in October yet I am sure you will see plenty more Halloween manicures coming from me using this plate. 

This plate is available from both UK Suppliers Nail Artisan and Rainbow Connection as well as Uber Chic directly. It is sold out at the moment but I believe there will be more copies available shortly. I purchased mine for £12.25 + postage. 

Are you as excited for Halloween as I am? Nail art wise it's my favourite time of year, let me know in the comments which look you like most.

That's all for now my lovelies I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will chat to you all on Monday.


  1. Halloween is a great time for stamping and you do it so well. I'd love to see what Aint Worth the Whiskey looks like on its own.

    1. Thank you hun, I have a plain swatch of it up on my Instagram <3

  2. You just inspired me to get creative with my nails for Halloween!

    1. Yay I love Halloween such a great time for nail art <3

  3. I need a nice large Halloween plate! I'm hoping my local What's Up Nails shop has this plate in their flag ship store in my town. I NEED it! :) I love the bat mani!

    1. Ooo fingers crossed hun, I have seen what's Up Nails have some really great Halloween plates too x

  4. I've not been doing as much nail art as I would like so I think I'm going to have to make up for it next month with all the Halloween designs! I picked up this plate and look forward to using it!

    1. Yay looking forward to seeing your mani's hun <3 x

  5. I love Halloween manis. Those holographic bats are EVERYTHING!

  6. I struggle with stamping -- not sure if I am not using enough polish when I swipe it or waiting too long to stamp it. The struggle!!! :-P

    1. It does take a while to get the hang of it, I find working quick and not scraping too many times works best :D x

  7. I love Uberchic plates! I have my eye on the fall leaves one :)

    1. I am eyeing those up too, just need to rob a bank haha ;P x

  8. I just ordered a Halloween plate. You've inspired me!

    1. Yay! Looking forward to seeing your mani's hun x


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