The Digit-al Dozen Does All That Glitters: Day 3

Welcome back lovelies, I really hope you are enjoying hearing from me everyday LOL. I am loving coming up with different mani's using glitter. Today's mani is probably my favourite out of the 5 mani's I have created, I have been really looking forward to sharing this one with you. So let's take a look. 

I have been meaning to do a marble mani for so long, after receiving Glisten and Glow's Black and White creme it seemed like the perfect time. 

To start this mani I used a white base colour of Glisten and Glow Wedding Gown White, this was fully opaque in 2 coats but very close in 1. 

To create the marble look I used an image from Lina Nail Art Supplies Make Your Mark 06, and stamped this in Glisten and Glow Little Black Dress and Esmaltes Da Kelly Topolino. Then I used some gorgeous gold glitter flakes I purchased ages ago to go between the cracks, I felt this really bought the marble to life. 

I can tell you now I was totally gutted to remove this mani, I loved how it looked on my nails and would have kept it on for an entire week if I could (that's quite a while for me lol). 

The rest of the ladies Day 3 mani's will be linked down below, I really can't wait to see what they come up with.

I would love to know your thoughts on this mani? As always I hope you enjoyed this post and I will chat to you all again tomorrow. 


  1. You're right, that gold just gives the mani life. :)

  2. You applied the gold flakes just right! They make all the difference. I wouldn't have wanted to take this off either. ;)

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