Whats Up Nails Magic Shifting Powders- Swatch & Review

*Press Sample*
Welcome back lovelies, I hope you have had a really nice weekend, I can safely say I am melting here. The weather has reached all-time high temperatures and my flat is like a sauna right now, no fresh air and the fan isn't helping at all. I need air conditioning! OK, enough of my moaning let's get into some nail goodies. 

I was recently sent 3 different multi-chrome powders from Whats Up Nails, I am really enjoying playing around with nail art powders at the moment, I love how effective they can be and with the sun out these beauties were changing colour constantly. For all three swatches, I used Pretty Serious Absence as my black base and Superchic Nail Lacquer's G-Force X Burnish Base coat as a sticky layer for the powder to adhere to the nail, no need for gel polish or lamps this way.


The first powder is Paradise this is a multi-chrome that shifts from turquoise to pink to purple to gold. This was probably the most noticeable shift out of the three I received, it was definitely my favourite out of the three. Such gorgeous colours and applies to the nail really nicely, I used UNT peel off base coat to top coat at first as it is water based so it doesn't make the nail powder crack.


The next powder is called Sunset this one shifts from a red to orange to gold, a perfect representation of a Sunset. 


The last powder is fairy which changes from a pink to gold to green, it applied really nicely to the nail and shift was nice and strong. 

This is my second time trying any type of nail art powders, I was really impressed with all three of these. The colour shift is really strong and apparent on the nail, I did have some issues with the black polish peeking through around the edges but that is more due to user error than the actual product. Each of these powders contains 1 gram of product and can be applied using either your finger an eye shadow applicator or a silicone nail tool. 

These powders are available to purchase now from the Whats Up Nails website, each powder costs $21.75. They are on the expensive side but they are really good quality and easy to use. I will leave links to the Whats Up Nails store down below as well as their social media.

I would love to know if you have any tips when it comes to using these powders, especially with getting it to cover near the cuticles and sides of the nail. Which of these is your favourite? 

As always have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. These powders intrigue me! I really need to try some.

  2. I love the colour shifts in Paradise!

  3. I didn't know shifting powders were a thing! I want ALL of them!

  4. These powders are so shifty! Although, for the price, I'll probably stick with the polishes I have.

    1. Thank you <3 I have to agree, they are slightly out of my price range but fabulous quality x

  5. I hear you about the heat - today was 118 today. I'm loving these powders you are using! Are they hard to use? For a beginner?

    1. This was only my second time using powders hun, and I managed ok. I much preferred using normal polish instead of gel, but that's just personal preference x

  6. They look like they apply brilliantly...smooth and streak free.

  7. I love how they look! I bought some of the holo powders but haven't mastered it yet.

    1. I'm still practicing it definitely takes some time to learn thats for sure x

  8. Gorgeous swatches. I live the look and shift of these but the price is holding me back!

    1. Yes i have to admit if anything was going to put me off it would be the price, the actual powder is fantastic and great quality. x

  9. I love these kind of powders! When using them with regular nail polish, I also have a little bit of the base shade show through at the edges.

    1. Oo that is good to know hun, I thought it was just me doing something wrong LOL x

  10. Ooh, I'm really liking Paradise!


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