Digit-al Dozen Does White: Day 3

Welcome back guys, I hope you are all having a pleasant week so far. Today is another Digit-al Dozen day, and as England are in the semi-final i figured some football nails would be in order. Read on to find out more...

To be honest I am not a huge fan of football, but figured I would show support for my country as we made it all the way to the semi-final.

Turns out I own no sports themed stamping plates, so I had to do these free hand, which as I am sure you all know I am awful at LOL. For the football images I used my Twinkled T detail brush #00, which has lovely thin bristles and is really great for doing delicate lines or for colouring in stamping images. Definitely a go to item for me! 

That is pretty much all I have to say for today's mani, as always all the other ladies Mani's are linked down below.

Hope you enjoyed this very short post and come on England!! :D 


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