2019 Nail Resolutions

Welcome back my lovely fairies; I hope you all enjoyed your new years festivities. As we begin yet another year I like to look ahead and set up some goals for the coming year. So today I am sharing my 9 nail related resolutions for 2019. Read on to find out more...

As we are going forward I am hoping to carry on improving my blog and social media platforms, so here are some of the goals I am setting for 2019.

1. Take part in more nail art challenges. 

For this goal I am hoping to be able to get involved in some of the awesome nail art challenges over on Instagram. Examples of these would be the #glamnailschallenge and the Claireestelle nail challenge. I find these help me be more creative when it comes to my nail art and its always fun trying to come up with different ideas for the themes that are set.

2. Use more gradients as a base. 

This one is to hopefully help me shake things up, so instead of having a plain colour as my base. I can try and do different types of gradients and different colour combos to mix things up a little and add another dimension to my designs. 

3. Swatch more of my untried's.

This one is pretty self explanatory I am pretty sure more than 75% off my current collection is unused so I am hoping to change that this year and make a bit of a dent in mountain untried.

4. Try to practise more free-hand nail art.

As you all can probably tell by now I am a huge fan of nail stamping, so one of my new years resolutions is to try and do more free-hand nail art. Any tips would be really appreciated with this one. 

5. Consistently post on both my blog and social media. 

One of the things I didn't like about the end of 2018 was that my posting became a lot more inconsistent on both here and my social media. I am hoping to change that this year and get back into a routine of posting at least twice a week on here and hopefully every day on social media. 

6. Use my new planner to be more organised. 

This one fits in well with the posting more consistently, I have recently purchased a new planner and I am hoping this can help me get more organised. So I know what needs swatching and posting when. I am also going to try and use this in my every day life to help me achieve some of my personal resolutions.

7. Try to start doing video tutorials. 

This resolution is not new to me, I have had this as a goal for the past 3 years. I am really determined to make 2019 be the year I begin to post video tutorials. (cross fingers)

8. Update on my set-up, storage and collection. 

One of the posts I want to get done for the new year is an updated look at my set-up, storage and collection. I am hoping to start working on this soon, it might have to be split into two separate posts as I am sure you can imagine my collection has grown quite a bit in the last few years.

9. Do at least one Disney mani each month. 

The final resolution is a fun one for me; I am hoping I can get at least one Disney mani fitted in each month. If you didn't know all ready my daughter and I are huge Disney fans and she always loves helping me design some Disney nails. 

So there we have it my nine new years resolutions for 2019, I am hoping I can get all of these ticked off by the end of the year. I am feeling fully rejuvenated and excited to see what this year will bring and can't wait to see what mani's I manage to come up with. 

I would love to know your thoughts on my resolutions??? Also what resolutions do you have for 2019 they can be nail related or personal let me know down in the comments. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me the last couple years my lovely fairies and I hope to have lots more nail goodness to share with you this year. 


  1. I love doing artistic stuff with my nails but have never seen something like this. However, I will start taking care of my nails again and take this resolution because I was so busy with my CIPD diploma and assignments that I haven’t got enough time for my nails. But now, I will take CIPD assignment writing help online and spare some time to do some amazing stuff with my nails.

  2. We love your all blogs, we enjoying our new year festivities you always guide women by fairy tales nails this is why every women read your blog to design their nails.


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