February 2017 Nail Art Round-Up

Good afternoon my beauties, it is that time of the week again. Hump day! LOL we are half way through yet another week and have entered into a new month. How on earth is it March already, this year is just going far too fast. Normally on a Wednesday, I would be doing my Alphabet Swatchathon, but instead, I'm going to use this post to reflect on all the nail art looks I achieved in February.

As you can see I managed to get 12 different nail art mani's done this month, a lot of them are Valentines related, so plenty of hearts are included in this month's round-up. As usual, I will leave links to the blog post or Instagram post where I explain what I used for each mani and how that look was created.

I am quite pleased with the mani's I managed to put together this month, for some reason the mani's that were randomly put together worked better than my planned out ones. I think from now on instead of over thinking things I will just let my nails decide LOL As always I would love to know which out of the 12 is your favourite look? I think mine would have to be the layered hearts, as that Danglefoot Nail polish just sings to me.  

Have a fabulous nail day everyone and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. What a fabulous collection of nail art looks!!!

  2. Wow! What a great round up! I really love the 2 with hearts - they are lovely! The penguins are adorable too! :) Can't wait to see what March has in store!

    1. Thank you <3 I am expecting alot of green this month lol x

  3. I really liked that layered hearts look and your blue floral!

    1. Thank you, the layered hearts is such a beautiful image I want to use it again lol <3

  4. They are all pretty amazing but the snowflakes are still my favorite!!!

  5. Love seeing the roundup of all the art!

    1. Thank you glad you like this series I am doing <3

  6. Loving all of the nail art, but the cupcakes & the stitched heart are my faves!

  7. You are so talented!

  8. The one with the black and white roses is my absolute favourite.

    1. Thank you, I loved the contrast in that one <3

  9. What a fab set of manis! I think my favourite is the multi coloured hearts over the Anchor & Heart crelly xx

  10. You had some beautiful nail art looks this Feb! I love seeing them all together in your roundups.

  11. I love your round-ups - it's so fun to look back at all of your fabulous artwork!


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