Opulent Essences Hand exfoliant and Nail Oil Review

Hello my lovelies sorry for not posting in a couple of days, as you all know life can sometimes get in the way. But for today I have a very special post for you, the lovely Sharon from Opulent Essences sent me some of their lovely hand exfoliant and nail oil to review.
Sharon and Zoe are the creators of Opulent Essences, there UK indie brand is cruelty free, vegan friendly and free from all harsh chemicals. They stock some gorgeous nail polishes, in October I tried one of their Halloween polishes called Bitches Brew. I will leave a link here for those of you that would like to check that beautiful polish out.
Today I have their hand and nail exfoliant and their nail oil to review for you. Sharon was kind enough to send these to me for my honest opinion and I must say a huge thank you to her as both of these products are fantastic. Also my boyfriend wanted to say thank you for the drumstick lolly he thoroughly enjoyed it.

Lets start with the hand and nail exfoliant, this a lovely hand scrub which will leave your skin feeling so smooth and soft and removes any dead skin that may have collected around your nails. According to the Opulent Essences Etsy shop their exfoliant is made of base, oils, baby powder essence and ground pumice stones. I am not a huge fan of baby talcum powder so I wasn't really keen on the scent of this in the jar but once I had it on my hands the smell wasn't as strong. The ground pumice stone helped to get rid of any dead skin and my hands and nails now feel as soft as a babies bum. I would highly recommend this product, a little definitely goes a long way and for £4.00 your hands will feel like they've been to a spa.
The next lovely product that she sent me was their nail oil, this is lemon scented and smells so lovely. I applied this around the outside of all of my nails, it softened my cuticles and it soaked into my skin within a couple of minutes. It didn't leave an oily residue and the scent it left behind was a strong scent of lemon which is lovely. Whilst I haven't tried many nail or cuticle oils this is definitely one I would recommend it soaks in nice and quickly and is easy to apply using the brush. It comes in a 5ml bottle for £4.00 and will fit in any ones purse or handbag if you are wanting to moisten your nails on the go.

Overall I am highly impressed with these products and will definitely be adding this nail exfoliant into my manicure routine. I can't get over how smooth and soft my hands are feeling, they also make this in the scent honey suckle which is the scent I will probably go for when I need to repurchase.

If you wanted to go grab some of these for yourself or have a look at Opulent Essences Etsy shop I will leave a link here. I highly recommend this UK indie brand they are lovely ladies who make great products at great prices. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and are all having a lovely relaxing weekend, have a great nail day and I will chat to you lovely people in the next post.


  1. Lovely review! I've literally just tried mine out so popped over to see what you thought! My hands are sooo soft and yummy :) x

    1. Thanks Hun :) it is a lovely exfoliant my hands feel so good I'm definitely getting some more in the scent honey suckle when I run out of this one x


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