Born Pretty Store Harunouta L015 Stamping Plate- Swatch & Review

*Press Sample*
Woohoo, we are half way through another week, so far this week is flying by for me. I am hoping that continues as my Nan and Gramps have now gone away for 10 days, which means no Sunday Roast (I Swear I don't love food that much LOL). So, unfortunately, I don't have another addition to the Alphabet Swatchathon today, but I do have a lovely stamping plate from the Born Pretty Store. So let's take a closer look. 

The plate I received this time had some absolutely adorable kitty cats, I have always been a sucker for that plushy Pusheen cat so I was super happy to find a plate with a few of them on. 

For my base polish I used the Beautiful Cutie Patootie from the Pretty Serious Pastel Pet Names collection, I did a review of this whole collection in my last post, they are definitely some of my favourite pastel cremes I have tried. To colour in the cat I used Princess Nail Lacquer Under the Covers, a really lovely light grey creme polish. 

This beautiful plate from Born Pretty Store is definitely a fantastic choice for all of the cat lovers out there. There are so many cute kitties, this plate stamps beautifully and is perfect for advanced stamping. It measures 13cm by 7cm and the images would be good for both long and short nails. 

Another fabulous plate from the lovely people at the Born Pretty Store, this plate costs $2.59 (#34585). I really love their stamping plates, they are so well etched and really affordable. Links to the Born Pretty Store and their social media will be left down below.

Don't forget you can use my discount code KHDB10 for 10% off all fully priced items.

As always have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to all of you wonderful people again soon.


  1. Gorgeous mani, and I love the look of this plate! I'll have to see if I can grab it with my next Born Pretty stuff :) x

  2. I LOVE Pusheen! I even get the quarterly box they have! What a great plate!

    1. I really want that box! Need to win the lottery to be able to afford it as well as my polish obsession lol x

  3. I love this plate! And this cat. So it's a winner for me.

  4. Ack! This plate is super adorable!

    1. Anything pusheen is perfect :D Thanks Jen <3

  5. I love the kitties!!! I need to do some shopping there.

  6. Pusheen manis get me every time! Man oh I wish I was a better stamper so I could justify getting this.

  7. Love this!
    Did you stamp onto a mat and colour in pusheen there then add him on to nails after? Did you get him right first time? ����
    Love your nails! !

    1. Thank you Claire, I coloured the image on the stamper and then just before it dried transferred it to my nail <3

  8. Oh, Pusheen is so cute. I love this so much!

  9. Oh my goodness these are adorable!

  10. Replies
    1. It's probably one of the cutest plates i have <3

  11. Puprle is my favorite color so I immediatel fell in love with this mani... butthe stamping... so cute.

  12. Loving that base color! I have never seen these stamps! So cute!!

  13. Such cute little kitties!!

  14. You can stamp the designs on artificial or natural nails too. Use different color nail polishes on a variety of images to create colorful one-of-a-kind designs on your nails. carimbo de unhas


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