June 2017 Nail Art Round-Up

*Post Contains Press Samples*
Welcome back lovelies, I hope you all had a really nice relaxing weekend. I spent Saturday blitzing my house and de-cluttering, Lexi has far too many toys. Sunday as always was the best day, a lovely roast dinner and a relaxing time with the family. I can't believe we are now in July, every month just seems to be going faster and faster. So today's post is a quick June Nail Art Round-Up, for some reason, I don't feel like I was as productive last month so I am hoping July will be different. 

In June I managed to create 13 different nail art looks, as always I will link the original blog post or Instagram post to each picture for details on how I created each manicure.

Super Mario Mani 

IZ Beauty London Nail Decals

26 Great Nail Art Idea's- Water

Sweet Pea Mani

What's Up Nails Spring Vinyls

What's Up Nails Plushie Pals Unicorn mani

What's Up Nails Plushie Pals Bunny Rabbit mani

What's Up Nails Plushie Pals Teddy Bear Mani

26 Great Nail Art Idea's- Holiday

Climbing Rose Mani

Uber Chic Vacation Mode Stamping plate

Fading Squares mani

Meebox Smoosh Mani

So there we have it all of the nail art I created in June, I am not sure which one is my favourite but I would say the Super Mario and the Plushie Pal Unicorn are my top two. The Super Mario reminded me of so so many hours playing on the Nintendo with my Brother, so definitely a special place in my heart.

Let me know which one is your favourite in the comments? As always make sure you are following me on Instagram and the rest of my social media to keep up to date with all my most recent swatches and nail art looks. 

As always my lovelies have a fabulous day and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. I love the smoosh mani the most I think, but then I'm a sucker for shells!

  2. Climbing Rose Ivy is my fave. So many cute manis though.

  3. Your manis are so cute! The Mario one stole my heart, so much nostalgia ❤️

  4. You did so many great manis last month! You always do such a beautiful job!

  5. So many great manis! Love that Mario one! :)

  6. I think I missed the Super Mario nails, so cute! I love the bunny, too!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I agree that the super mario nails are adorable and one of my faves from this month! Can't wait to see what you create in July!
    Vicky x

  9. I cant pick a favorite here. These are all amazing.

  10. These are all beautiful! I need to make more time for nail art!

    1. Thank you hun, I feel like I need to get more plain swatches done as well as nail art so fingers crossed I can accomplish that over the next few months <3

  11. I just love them all and can't pick a favourite! xx


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