Decembers Meebox- Ice Queen

Hello my lovely readers, well it is that time of the month again where I get super pumped to receive my end of the month nail mail. This month because we have Christmas coming up the lovely ladies at Meebox sent out the boxes early so that we would get them in time for Christmas. This months theme is Ice Queen, being a huge Frozen fan I was highly anticipating this box. I am very happy to say I was not left disappointed, the polishes included in this months box are to die for and I am elated to have them in my ever growing collection.
So lets get into this fabulous Ice Queen box, as usual I was greeted with the beautiful Meebox wrapping paper and this month they even added a lovely Christmas card which I thought was a great idea. Then after ripping open the paper carefully I found these 3 lovely polishes laying in the bed of paper worms, along with the polishes there are some lovely snowflake water decals and a nail file key ring from Sparkly Nails.

The first polish that I picked out was this spectacular Color Club duo Chrome called It's Raining Men, this is a gorgeous dark blue that shifts from purple to a greeny gold depending on what lighting and angle you look at it. It has a great formula and is opaque in 2 coats, I can honestly say I don't own any other duo chrome with such a powerful shift. I really do love Color clubs polishes and will definitely be adding more of them to my wish list for the future. This particular polish is from there Oil Slick collection this was released only a couple of month ago and has 6 other duo chrome polishes. You can pick this polish up and the rest of the collection for £8.95 per bottle from Nail Polish Direct, it is stunning and a must have for those who love that duo chrome look.

The next polish that caught my eye was this Crabtree and Evelyn charcoal grey creme called Mica, it has a small silver shimmer but this doesn't seem to translate to the nail. This would cost £6.00 brought from the Crabtree & Evelyn site, the only other polish that I own from this retailer is their red creme with a golden shimmer called Tomato. I received this in Septembers Meebox both have fabulous formula's and are opaque in 2 coats, Mica would be a good polish for those who love that mix between a grey and black nail polish.

The last polish in this month Meebox is this gorgeous lilac creme from China glaze called Lotus Begin. It does seem to suffer from that pastel China Glaze formula were it goes on the nail quite sheer, this one reaches full opacity in 3 coats. I love that you have the darker polishes and then this lovely pastel to brighten up the box, it reminded me how in Frozen everything is very winter themed and all of a sudden Olaf comes out with a song all about summer. This polish can also be picked up from Nail Polish Direct for £4.50.
The last two items in this months box were from Sparkly Nails which is an on line nail art supplier. I have never actually tried water decals before but I am going to attempt a manicure with them in the next couple of days, or tonight not really decided yet. You can get these from the Sparkly Nails website or £1.65, you can also get this fab key ring nail file to keep your nails in perfect shape whilst out and about. This is a great idea as I am always searching through my handbag for a nail file and now I can have one conveniently attached to my keys. I am not 100% sure on what grit this is but it does seem to be fine for a quick tidy up when your not able to grab hold of any others. 

So there you have it another fantastic Meebox for only £20 per month, I am not sure what next months theme will be yet as it is not released until the 1st of the month. If you are not subscribed yet I highly suggest you do, it is always great value for money and every month I am never let down by the choices they make. At the moment they have a Give a Gift option so if you are stuck for any ideas to get for the nail addicts in your life this would be perfect, it's like a Christmas present at the end of every month. 

I hope you have all enjoyed this post, please feel free to comment below. If your liking my blog I would love for you to follow me, either on Bloglovin' or just by clicking on the join this site in right hand task bar. I also have Instagram and recently made a Twitter page so feel free to follow those too. With only 4 days until Christmas I am hoping to squeeze in a few more manicures before then, so hope you stay tuned and chat to you all very soon.


  1. Love this months box, was so glad I managed to get it before I went away so I didn't have to avoid spoilers! I think my favourite is the color club! x

    1. I'm wearing it now the shift in it is amazing! X

  2. I also had a small glitter pot in the box?

    1. Yes there was mine ended up all over the place thanks to lexi, so completely forgot to put it in lol thanks for reminding me hun. Hope you liked the post :) x

    2. Ah oh no! Just got worried that you might have missed it. :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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