Breast cancer awareness manicure

Hello my lovely readers, since last posting I have some good news and some bad news. Good news first my post was returned to me the other night, bad news is that they had gone through all my boxes and have kept three polishes. So I still won't be doing a review for Meebox or Nailbox this month as I don't have the complete set of polishes to show you. However my friend Becca over at A certain Becca Nails will be reviewing both boxes and has already done a review for this months Nailbox. I will leave a link here if you wanted to go check those out. Keep an eye out for her upcoming Meebox review which I'm sure she will have up the next couple of days.

So moving on from the stolen postage saga today I have for you my Breast cancer awareness manicure. As I am sure you are all aware by now October is Breast cancer awareness month and people have been dusting off their pink polishes and doing lovely manicures for this amazing cause. I will leave a link here to the breast cancer awareness link up so you can see pics of some lovely ladies pink mani's, please feel free to go add yours to the link up would love to see what the rest of you have come up with.
Ok so let's get started first thing I did was paint all my nails with Cassella limitless, this is my go to white cream which I received in Septembers Meebox. If you want to go check out all the sailor goodies I received in that box I'll leave a link here for you. This polish is excellent no problems with application and opaque in two coats, the perfect white base for any nail art. Once that was dry I top coated with my trusty Seche Vite and then waited about 10 minutes to make sure it was dry enough to put my vinyls on top. 
Because I am doing a sponged gradient I applied liquid latex all around my fingers to help with clean up, I then placed each chevron on my nail and tried to make sure they were lined up. These lovely chevrons I got from the amazing site She Sells Seashells for £1, I purchased the variety pack so they came in all sizes. These applied really easily and did not pull up any of the white base when I went to remove them. 

Next I picked out three different shades of pink polish from my Barry M collection, the colours I used are; speed demon, dragon and pink punch. Speed demon is the Barry M quick dry and a new polish to my collection. It's a beautiful pastel pink cream that is opaque in two coats, it has a lovely shimmer running throughout which translates beautifully to the nail. Once I had chosen my three polishes it was time to create my pink ombre gradient. For this I put a thin line of each polish onto a make up sponge and then dabbed it onto my nails, it took about two coats to reach the opacity that I desired. 

Among the items that I did get back from this months Meebox were these lovely ribbon vinyls from Nail-Mail; and this pretty Cuccio colours polish called Love potion no.9 from their Hearts of fire collection. So for my ring finger I decided to do a glittery ribbon so that it was clear what the manicure was in aid of. To do this I placed the ribbon vinyl onto my nail and then used a sponge to dab on the glitter, I used a sponge rather than the brush as I didn't want loads of the clear base I just wanted the glitter to give the manicure that extra sparkle. 
Once all the layers had dried I sealed them all with the Barry M matte top coat, I feel it brings out the colours more and makes the manicure more crisp. So there you have it my final manicure for breast cancer awareness, I will be putting this in the link-up when I'm done here. I hope you all like it and please feel free to share you pink mani's with me. As always if you have any tips or tricks for me please leave them in the comments below. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and your all having a great nail day, up next I will be reviewing the Halloween Ejiubas plate. I'm hoping to get that up either tomorrow or the next day as I would like to show you the beauty of this plate before Halloween. 

Take care and chat to you all in the next post my lovely fellow nail polish addicts.


  1. Love them! It takes me ages to line up vinyls properly, takes a lot of patience! Looking forward to seeing the Halloween plate, I'm quite sad that Octobers nearly over x

    1. I know same here I love being able to do pink and spooky manicures :) so many ideas but not enough days in the month lol x


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